Exploit Android backup. Here, we will see how to exploit an Android application that allows to be backed up, this is achieved when the application has the allowBackup flag set to true on the AndroidManifest.xml and can be exploited even on devices that have not been rooted. The Android Debug Bridge provides the ability to easily create an application backup and just as easy to restore it. We will see how to leverage this and other tools to exploit these kind of applications.
When you backup an Android application, you will get a multi-part file, the first 24 bytes represent the header and contains information about format, compression and encryption of the backup, the next part is the backup data, which is a compressed tar file that is optionally encrypted and includes shared preferences, files and databases, the backup also contains the apk (if the option is specified when backing up).
In order to exploit an Android application through backup, we need to:
- Get the backup.
- Separate the backup data from the header.
- Make the required changes to the backup data.
- Repackage the modified data.
- Get the header from the original Android backup file.
- Prepend the header to the repackaged data.
- Restore it into the device.
Each of the steps of this process is described below:
Getting the application backup
If the allowBackup flag is set to true on the application, getting an application backup is fairly easy, for this we will use the backup command of the Android Debug Bridge (adb). To do this, we need to run the Android virtual device where our vulnerable application ins installed, in this case we will be using an application created for this purpose which is simple, two activity app that looks like this:
Once we connect to the Android virtual device through the adb, we proceed to create a backup of our application:
You’ll get a message saying to you need to unlock your device and confirm the backup operation, to do this, go back to your virtual device and hit the “BACK UP MY DATA” button, do not provide a password for encryption as this may complicate things a little bit more:
Once the backup finishes, you can go back to your workstation and see that the backup file was created:
Separating the backup data from the header.
For this part we will be using dd to to separate the backup data from the header and then we’ll use openssl with zlib support to decompress the backup data. Most openssl installations does not support zlib, so, it is recommended to fire up a virtual machine and use it to build an openssl installation that supports zlib, you can do this by following the process described here. Once we have zlib support, we do the following:
With the dd command shown above, we specify a block size of 24 bytes (bs=24) and tell it to skip the first block (this is the header), we pipe the result into openssl and use zlib to decompress it into a tar file (this is the backup data):
We can then extract the backup data tar file and inspect it’s contents; we can see the apps folder containing another folder with the name of the backed up application and inside this one we see a _manifest file and a folder named sp (shared preferences).
Now, we need to create a list of all the files contained in the tar file; this will be needed after we make the require changes to the backup data and proceed to re-package. To create this list we do the following:
Making the required changes to the backup data
We now proceed to make some changes to the backup data we extracted from the tar file. To do this, we choose one of the files within the apps folder, open it with a text editor (nano in this case) and make some changes to one of the files within the shared preferences folder.
Repackage the modified backup data
Once the required changes are done, we need to repackage the apps folder into a tar file, to achieve this we can use the Android Backup Extractor; an utility based on the BackupManagerService.java that can be used to extract and repack Android backups created with adb backup. You can check the project code here and find the deb package here. Once you have downloaded the android-backup-toolkit zip file, decompress it and navigate to /android-backup-tookit/star-bin/star-ubuntu-lucid; here you will find deb packages for both amd64 and i386 architectures, choose the one that applies to your case and install it with dpkg:
dpkg -i star_1.5final-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb
With the star command line is installed, we use it to repackage the apps folder into a new tar file containing the backup data with our previously done changes, to keep a strict order of files we set the list parameter to the list of files we previously created with tar, like this:
Getting the header from the original backup file and prepend it
We need to first get the header (first 24 bytes) from the original backup file, to do this we use the dd command again with a block size of 24 bytes, but with the count parameter instead of the skip parameter used the a previous step above, as follows:
Now, we proceed compress the previously repackaged data tar file using openssl with zlib and then we prepend the header into it , like this:
Restoring the modified backup file
Finally, we restore the modified backup file into the Android virtual device, to do this, we use the Android debug bridge again, only this time with the restore option:
We head to the Android virtual device and hit the “RESTORE MY DATA” button:
Once the restore is completed, you can open the application and see if the changes made any effect to the content or behavior of the application:
Here we can see that the changes we made to the shared preferences files indeed took effect.
Exploit Android backup. In this article we saw how to exploit Android backup. An application that allows backup by modifying one of the application resources (shared preferences). This risk is actually very easy to mitigate, you just need to make sure to set the allowBackup flag to false in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
Great Blog, Thank you !!!!